[New Feature] Super Stake: Get More Rewards While You’re Waiting

SIX Network
3 min readDec 9, 2021

Previously Definix has launched FINIX Long-term Staking pool to obtain vFINIX that comes with voting power. Represents the right to vote within the platform’s formation. That means vFINIX will empower you to have a right to decide what the platform should do and the direction of the platform.

Following that feature is an additional Super Stake activity that will provide convenience for Definix users to auto stake the harvested FINIX directly to the Long-term Stake pool with no minimum amount.

The simplicity of Super Stake function makes your investment plan goes easier in a long way and the Super Stake can be located in many parts on Definix platform.
1. Home page at My Investment on the right panel. The activation button will allow you to choose FINIX from a decentralized wallet and across all Farms and Pools to stake immediately.

2. Banner on top of the Farm or Pool page. The property here is similar to the Home page where users can choose FINIX from pending rewards to stake in the Long-term staking pool.

3. Super Stake Tab in the Long-term Stake page menu will allow users to stake FINIX from a wallet with no minimum amount of stake.

Locked Period Regulation

Upon using Long-term Stake, all tiers are divided into three locking periods of 90, 180, and 365 days with a restrictive minimum amount of stake for each tier. But the Super Stake feature is allowing the users to stake the FINIX on top of the previous amount during the same duration period of 28-days in the same order.

For example, the user has staked in the FINIX Long-term Stake Pool previously and wanted to stake more FINIX. By using the Super Stake option, it enables the ability to stake right away and the system will create another order without the minimum FINIX amount required.

Super Stake will create orders that will be locked according to the availability of tier owned. To top FINIX to the staked amount using method (1), (2), or (3). During the first 28 days of this order, the user can top up FINIX to this order as much as he or she wants and the top-up activity during this period will not extend the schedule of the locked period longer.

Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions that apply for early unstake of the FINIX from the Long-term Stake pool are applied for the Super Stake deposit order as well. Read the full article here.

  1. APR reward will stop generating immediately after unstaking.
  2. The full deposited order of FINIX will be locked as soon as unstake action is made with times and conditions as the following.

Benefits of Super Stake

Super Stake enhances the flexibility of the long-term Stake pool. Once you stake your asset to the long-term stake pool, you can use Super Stake to top up your amount and earn more FINIX rewards from your long-term stake without extending your staking period too long.

Also, this feature can help you get more voting power without any minimum FINIX required when the decentralized voting system is launched. It will create a chance for you to increase vFINIX in the wallet and maximize your voting power for the proposal that you really want to push forward.

Hope you enjoy the new feature and get the most out of it.

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SIX Network

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