[Update] How to exchange new Binance Smart Chain format VELO tokens

SIX Network
2 min readJan 12, 2022

On 28 November 2021, Velo Labs Technology has announced reissuing their VELO token quoted,

“In order to increase interoperability between BSC tokens, we have created a new VELO token on Binance Smart Chain that includes an 18 decimal variable. As a result, we must void the existing Binance Smart Chain format VELO token, which launched with a decimal variable of only 5 digits.”

With this, Definix BSC-based users who have staked Velo in Definix Partnership Pool are required to swap the VELO token for the new 18-decimal format by following the instruction below.


  1. Claim your VELO rewards to your Metamask wallet from Definix Partnership Pool (https://bsc.definix.com/partnership-pool).
  2. Within 1–14 business days you will receive a new format of 18-decimal VELO token automatically.
  3. The VELO token will be transferred to your Metamask wallet in a 1:1 ratio.
  4. **(BSC)VELO contract address: 0xf486ad071f3bee968384d2e39e2d8af0fcf6fd46
  • * To check if you have received the VELO token, it is recommended that you add the contract address to your Metamask wallet and check it from time to time. Or check your wallet transactions at https://bscscan.com.

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